07-12-2021, Huizen, Press Release Redwise

Astute Seamanship or Fouls Endeavour?

The 19-meter twin screw tug BRUISER was welcomed on 22nd November 2021 at the port of Sauðárkrókur on the north coast of Iceland. The vessel came in under own power from Greenock on the West Coast of Scotland.

When receiving the enquiry from Damen Trading whether Redwise was interested to deliver the Stantug 1907 from Scotland to Iceland in November, we scratched our heads before putting them together. Crossing to the north on the North Atlantic in November with a very limited freeboard and the quiet remark that a WNA loadline mark was there for a reason, were only a few of the considerations for this job. However, looking at it practically with a keen eye for seamanship and knowing that the right Redwise Master and crew were available we made the decision to go for it professionally.

Other key factors were the ability to break up the voyage in smaller sector that would present the ability to seek shelter and wait for the right weather window for the next leg. On top of this, there was a solid understanding with the Port of Sauðárkrókur and its’ harbour master that common sense and good seamanship with respect for the forces of nature should prevail over the schedules at all times. Quite unlike what we see too often nowadays when schedules seem to be more important than acceptance that the Master should have the absolute discretion and is best positioned to judge the prevailing conditions.

Following an on-site inspection with the new Owners, we could fit this in the risk management and mitigation tools, ultimately boiling down to using good old common sense. Combine this with good seamanship and a proven track record made that the Registry, Class and Owners insurance all agreed upon the voyage. The voyage was ultimately uneventful with the vessel delivered safe and sound to her new place of operation. At some points, some patience was necessary with the days at Greenock for preparations, Scottish Loch’s passed to stay sheltered and several overnighters at Stornoway, Runavík (Faroe Islands) and Eskifjörður on the East coast of Iceland. Although we have to admit that staying here is definitely something better than far away terminals where you cannot get ashore properly.

Bonne, Bart and Rien, thank you for a job well done on board. Together with our operations and crewing departments it has been an impressive job in delivering this vessel. The Port of Sauðárkrókur has received a nice, well-built and study vessel in excellent shape, very well kept by the sellers.

Redwise delivers vessels around the world for Owners, shipyards and other partners since 1906. Using key (seafaring) personnel that is permanently employed by Redwise we ensure a mutual understanding and appreciation. In situations where everything goes well as well as in cases where mutual support is required.

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